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Dance Tips

The Dos & Don’ts of Dance Class

As a parent, helping your dancer follow these simple dance class guidelines will ensure they get the most from their time in class.

A new dance year is in full swing, and we are thrilled with how this semester is going so far! We are so grateful for the opportunity to teach your child and love watching them learn, grow and move with us each week.

Whether you grew up dancing yourself or you are walking into a studio for the first time as a dance parent, you should take the time to learn about the culture of your studio. While you can always pull up the student handbook for details on our rules and expectations, there are some additional Dos and Don’ts about dance classes that will help your child get the most out of their dance time, and help the other students in their class out, too!



Come in Dress Code!

Dress codes are important for all of our age groups and all of our classes – perhaps even more so for the youngest of our dancers! Coming to class not in dress code can be a distraction and cause friction between students. Believe me, we’ve seen it! Proper dance attire, including shoes and hairstyles, is also important for safe movement in classes.

Be On Time!

We understand things happen! Arriving tardy to class will happen to most of us at some point. If your dancer is late to class, encourage them to come in quietly to cause as little interruption to the class as possible.
Of course, make sure your dancer is not arriving late to class regularly. Chronic lateness is disrespectful to the other students in their class as well as to the teacher, and detrimental to the student’s own development as a dancer.

Label Everything!

Keep all necessary items for class labeled and in your child’s dance bag. Label both shoes, leotards, the dance bag itself, and anything else that will come to the studio with your child. It seems impossible in such a small space and short time period, but it happens frequently that one or more students will misplace shoes, hairbrushes, and numerous other items. We’ve even seen them accidentally swap shoes, ending up with 2 different sizes or 2 left shoes!

Potty BEFORE Class!

Leaving in the middle of class to use the restroom is a disruption and a distraction for the whole class, and takes up our valuable dancing time! Please take your dancer to use the restroom before class time starts.



Come in the Dance Room!

Class time is precious, and a parent entering the room is a major disruption. We schedule classes back to back in order to provide more options for families and keep class sizes small, but this means a parent entering the dance room after class takes away from the following class time. Of course, we know communication is very important. We always have a member of our staff at reception available to answer your questions or address any concerns, and we are happy to help you set up a time for you to speak with your child’s dance instructor outside of class time.
Please send students in alone, ready to dance, and feel free to peek in at your dancer through the viewing window!

Share Photos of Others!

We respect the privacy of all of our dance families, and so should you! When taking pictures of your dancer at the studio or during a dance-related event, please be careful not to share photos of other dancers without first receiving explicit consent from a parent or guardian.

Bring Food or Drink!

Please don’t send your dancer with snacks or drinks (even water!) into the dance room. Spills are more than a nuisance in the studio, they can be downright hazardous. We have a water fountain available for thirsty dancers and complimentary coffee and tea in the lobby for our parents.

Remember that 30 minutes to an hour of dancing is a lot of hard work, mentally and physically! Your dancer will need plenty to eat on dance days, just not in the studio!


Looking for Dance Classes in Greenville? Join the Dance Without Limits Family!

At Dance Without Limits, we believe dance is for everybody. We provide quality dance training in a welcoming, positive learning environment for students of all ages, experience levels and abilities. If you’re looking for dance classes in the Greenville area, check out our website or give us a call Monday – Thursday, 3:00-8:00pm.

Take Our Dance Quiz to Find Your Fit

With so many styles of dance to choose from, it can be hard knowing where to start. Answer the questions below to see which styles we would recommend for your dancer!